Quartz Literary

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Quartz Literary seeks fiction and poetry that reflects and fractures. We want to see cracked versions of ourselves. Give us sharpness, but also beauty. Make us feel seen and allow us to discover something new about ourselves. Ultimately, we are looking for work that reflects the experiences, emotions, and details of life, but also subverts them sometimes. We want emotive authenticity and interesting, complex characters.

We mostly read literary fiction, but are also open to magical realism, surrealism, experimental, and literary works with mild genre elements (ex. The Martian, Interstellar, Such Small Hands, Baby Teeth, etc.) Also, we are a project of the online journal Silver Rose Magazine.


-Send us your stories, flash fiction, and essays under 6,000 words. Please wait to hear a response before submitting again. If you are sending flash (pieces under 1,000 words), you can send three pieces at a time in one document. You may submit to both our standard submissions and our contests at the same time if you wish.

-Simultaneous submissions are good. Just let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.

-Please double space your document and use a standard 12pt font.

-Please use a .doc or .docx file type. If you send a PDF, and we accept your work, we might ask for a different file.

-We pay one contributor copy and $30 for each selected story/essay.


-Send us up to five poems in one document. Please wait for a response before sending us more work. However, you may submit to our standard submissions and our contests at the same time if you wish.

-Format your work however you see fit.

-Simultaneous submissions are good. Just let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.

-Please use a .doc or .docx file type. If you send a PDF, and we accept your work, we might ask for a different file.

-We pay one contributor copy and $30 for each selected poem.


-Please send up to five images for consideration.

-Send us whatever file type and file size you see fit. If we need something different, we’ll let you know.

-We pay one contributor copy and $30 for each selected piece of art.

Quartz Literary